[joomla] Joomla distributions and HTML5

Ryan W. Ozimek cozimek at
Thu Feb 10 11:58:04 EST 2011


While I don't have any mind-expanding answers for you, I do think that it
would be awesome if you made a distribution of Joomla for embedded devices!
I just had a great conversation a few days ago with two guys from Finland
that are keen to provide a powerful Joomla experience for mobile phone, and
it sounds like there could be some good synergy there.

Let me know offline if you'd be interested in a connection, and good luck in
your endeavor.  It sounds very cool.


On 2/10/11 10:38 AM, "Gary Mort" <garyamort at> wrote:

> I'm currently working on 3 personal projects and figured I'd see if
> anyone else has done or heard of something similar.
> First off, I am working on re-working the Joomla install/configuration
> to move all the Joomla files outside the webroot except for the
> index.php files.  I want to package it all up the way FudForum does[one
> giant PHP file that contains the installer and all the code using the
> halt_compiler function of PHP,
> For this project, I don't expect or even care if I succeed, it is more
> that it will allow me to learn more about Joomla core internals for my
> REAL goal.
> Real goal, second project: Joomla! Embedded - a Joomla! distribution for
> embedded devices.  Mainly this is using just the Joomla! framework,
> getting rid of a LOT of the external libraries[no need for phpmailer]
> which also means getting rid of some core classes.....and getting rid of
> MySQL[which means replacing the JUser class with something that can
> function with a different user storage structure].
> I've got online access to an Elphel to play with,
> and it looks promising for setting up a
> digital camera to make my wife happy.  But it's user interface sucks,
> and the only current project to make a better interface is using
> Java[something I avoid using].   So I want a decent Ajax web based
> interface for the camera, and the default distro includes lighthttp and
> PHP 5.2.  Match made in heaven, I can code that!
> I first looked at it as writing a small mini framework for the system[as
> I want to use MVC practices, and want userid/permissions
> management]....  but I think in the end building my own mini
> framework[or learning a new one] would take as much time as using
> Joomla! and stripping out all the bulky stuff I don't need.
> I figured I might as well ask here if anyone knows of an existing
> project for these first.   Mind you, this is low priority work compared
> to paying work.....but I have some time so my goal is something beta
> level by May 7th[my wife's guys just /had/ to schedule
> dev camp for that day didn't you?  :-)]
> Lastly, I've been hacking around with HTML5 and was thinking it might
> make for a fun presentation at an upcoming Joomla meeting if there is
> interest.
> -Gary
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