[joomla] RocketTheme: use it with moderation

Helvécio da Silva helvecio.rj at
Tue Feb 22 17:36:35 EST 2011

Hi Dan

I see your point.

The problem is presenting a product with a misleading display.

In this specific template, there's a position with a Latest News
header, titles, intros and images.

I know Joomla for a while and I know it uses a module mod_latestnews,
usually named Latest News, that displays the title of articles only.

I saw that and wondered: how did they do that? Could it be another
module? Or is it the intro text in the main component? Later I find
it's an article. The only one published on the frontpage. And it is
like a placeholder article, where they hard coded intros from other
articles. OK. Not the easiest solution from my point of view, but...

Then, while looking for another answer on how to replicate what the
demo site displays, I came across an answer from one of the RT Team
claiming things are as they are and that we used to TRY to K2 to
replicate it! This doesn't make sense to me and I felt like they don't
care for their customers.

I went the obvious way: I had the intros display on the frontpage only
with a CSS formatting that does the job. Not quite the same, but it's
looking good on the site.

For me, this template misled me to think they were using Joomla basics
to make things happen. Actually, it was not for real or dynamically
created. It was just a fake article that looked good.

I don't understand why they tried to reinvent the wheel and came up
with a square object and think it's all OK.

Am I being too grumpy here? LOL

2011/2/22 Dan Horning <dan.horning at>:
> the rocketheme templates actually do have some of the extras you talked about but sometimes hard coding is needed - I've been using the templates with great success for quite some time. though in this one case yes you are correct - but do you really want intro's generated automatically - i know that for anything i've done my client and I both want full control over the wordings. I think you are looking for a theme that instantly makes your sites look perfect without any work. be cautious about this - you use any template as a starting point and adapt it to your needs - if you wanted a theme to do all of that instantly i feel like you'd pay a LOT more than 90 bucks a year for 4 years of 1.5x templates.
> I'm not trying to be mean here - but lets put some valuation to the money you spent on the theme. if you made a theme like they make, and wanted all the perfection you're asking for - i think you'd be paying more like 500 a theme.
> so in seriousness - have we forgotten the valuation factor? what do you value the bump in progress that a less than a 100 bucks a year theme subscription gives you? knowning that the theme bases aren't for everyone - but for a small church or organization to get the look that a theme (from any of the vendors like rockettheme) gives you it's priceless.
> oh and one more thing - in the demo site and all the PDF's and source files - it says how to do everything, quite simply too.
> personally i view any template as a springboard ... not an end product - what do you think?
> --
> Dan Horning
> American Digital Services - Where you are only limited by imagination.
> dan.horning at ::
> 1-518-444-0213 x502 . toll free 1-800-863-3854 . fax 1-888-474-6133
> PO Box 746, Troy, NY 12181
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Donna Marie Vincent" <donnamarievincent at>
>> To: "NYPHP SIG: Joomla" <joomla at>
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 8:40:36 AM
>> Subject: Re: [joomla] RocketTheme: use it with moderation
>> Laura presented the AiDa news module at the last Joomla meeting:
>> , which has all the features you could possibly want.
>> From: Herb Tucker <htucker at>
>> To: joomla at
>> Sent: Tue, February 22, 2011 5:04:00 AM
>> Subject: Re: [joomla] RocketTheme: use it with moderation
>> Hi Helvecio,
>> Check out JoomlaWorks UCD module, its free, as in beer, and I've used
>> to
>> dynamically display content for news and Latest Happenings. It may
>> just be
>> what you are looking for.
>> You can display content from a section(s) or category(ies) as Lists,
>> Slider
>> or Fader. It's a great tool.
>> Ciao`,
>> Herb
>> Herbert M. Tucker
>> Principal
>> Covenant Technical Services, Inc.
>> P: 732-497-0326
>> C: 848-218-9172
>> F: 732-497-0326
>> E: htucker at
>> W:
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Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - helvecio.rj at -

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