[joomla] Fill out form, then get a PDF downloaded?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Sat Jun 11 05:05:35 EDT 2011

I want to be able to offer a White Paper on a Joomla website. This is  
how it would work. Visitors to the website (non-registered guests)  
would be encouraged to fill out a form with some basic information and  
then be able to download a PDF White Paper.

Ideally, it would not only allow the visitor to download the White  
Paper PDF, but also send an e-mail message with a link to download the  
PDF too. But don't want the URL to the PDF used without visitors  
filling out the form. So maybe it would create a temporary URL that  
would expire soon like 24-hours? I'm thinking a PHP script executed to  
send the PDF to the visitor's web browser would be good, because this  
way Google Analysts could report on the download. Need some method to  
store the collected basic information too.

If there is already a module to do this in Joomla, please be so kind  
to share it with us, I imagine others may have a use for this.  I  
don't want this to be annoying for the visitors to use, but there  
needs to be data collected.

If folks have a better suggestion as to how to handle this I'm open to  
suggestions. I realize there might be something that does part of what  
I'm asking and I might have to adapt it. I wanted to keep this all  
within Joomla. It wouldn't be too difficult to link to a PHP program  
to do this, but I'd like to keep it all within Joomla so it flows with  
the rest of the website. Thanks!

David Roth

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