[joomla] Fill out form, then get a PDF downloaded?

Scott Wolpow scott at
Mon Jun 13 01:22:23 EDT 2011

Glad I could help.

On 6/13/2011 1:02 AM, David Roth wrote:
> Hi Scott.
> That's a good suggestion, I think e-mailing the white paper as a PDF 
> attachment is better. I also like your ideas to gain further feedback.
> David Roth
> On Jun 11, 2011, at 11:44 AM, Scott Wolpow wrote:
>> There are quite a few ways to do this.
>> One way is to use RSforms and a hidden menu item. This would allow 
>> any person who has the url to download it.
>> A second method would be to use a cart that allows downloads. Tienda 
>> offers that.
>> But you are making a mistake demanding that people fill out a form 
>> first. Many people use throwaway emails for this purpose.
>> I would send  the white paper as attachment after they give me first 
>> name and email address (make sure you have a recaptacha) .
>> Use a forms module to get the basic info.
>> On the confirmation page I would then ask if they could provide more 
>> details. This works better as they know feel that have gotten what 
>> they wanted
>> Last thing is to place a link in the last page pdf asking what they 
>> thought of the white paper. This way you know if tehy really read it 
>> or not.
>> Scott.
>> On 6/11/2011 5:05 AM, David Roth wrote:
>>> I want to be able to offer a White Paper on a Joomla website. This 
>>> is how it would work. Visitors to the website (non-registered 
>>> guests) would be encouraged to fill out a form with some basic 
>>> information and then be able to download a PDF White Paper.
>>> Ideally, it would not only allow the visitor to download the White 
>>> Paper PDF, but also send an e-mail message with a link to download 
>>> the PDF too. But don't want the URL to the PDF used without visitors 
>>> filling out the form. So maybe it would create a temporary URL that 
>>> would expire soon like 24-hours? I'm thinking a PHP script executed 
>>> to send the PDF to the visitor's web browser would be good, because 
>>> this way Google Analysts could report on the download. Need some 
>>> method to store the collected basic information too.
>>> If there is already a module to do this in Joomla, please be so kind 
>>> to share it with us, I imagine others may have a use for this.  I 
>>> don't want this to be annoying for the visitors to use, but there 
>>> needs to be data collected.
>>> If folks have a better suggestion as to how to handle this I'm open 
>>> to suggestions. I realize there might be something that does part of 
>>> what I'm asking and I might have to adapt it. I wanted to keep this 
>>> all within Joomla. It wouldn't be too difficult to link to a PHP 
>>> program to do this, but I'd like to keep it all within Joomla so it 
>>> flows with the rest of the website. Thanks!
>>> David Roth
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