[joomla] Stallage

Gary Mort garyamort at
Tue May 3 16:37:46 EDT 2011

>From 1000 feet overhead, it seems both Drupal and Joomla have suffered
some stallage in progress lately.

They both appear to have raced to release their next versions[Joomla!
1.6 and Drupal 7] after years of delay.  The long delay had turned off a
lot of 3rd party developers who initially tried to provide alpha
versions of their software for the next version, but then gave up when
the API's kept changing radically.

Both projects made some major last minute changes to some "under the
covers" API's that 'almost no one uses'.  Unfortunately, almost everyone
DID use them in the form of a 2 or 3 very popular modules/components. 
So now both CMS's are lacking those 2 or 3 very popular components
because the concers of the component devs were brushed off when they
raised the issues, and the component devs aren't willing to take the hit
for problems that are caused by core code but will only appear in their

It also seems that in Joomla's case, core Developers screwed the pooch
by dismissing concerns of Developers because those Dev's 'didn't do
much' and it turned out that those Devs were the ones who did all the
documentation.  So in 1.6 your left with a beautiful API and very little
in how to use because no one is documenting.

In both cases, it seems the core teams are now going on towards the "fun
stuff", ie Joomla 1.7 and Drupal 8, while the communities are
floundering and fragmenting.  Drupal seems to be recovering a little
faster due to at least having semi decent documentation.

Am I completely off base here?

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