[joomla] Upcoming Joomla NYC User Group elections

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Wed Nov 9 11:20:14 EST 2011

Dear Joomla NYC Participants,

As many of you know, those interested in being on the board of Joomla NYC
as well as those already on the Joomla NYC board, have to give a short
presentation at this week's Joomla NYC User Group meeting on Thursday
(tomorrow!). Please try to keep it to a few paragraphs and no longer than
three minutes.

If you cannot make the meeting, you can ask me or another member to read it
for you.

In a nutshell, we want to hear what you have contributed to the group and
what you would like to do to make the Joomla NYC even better.

To get an idea of what we want, I have posted a copy of Laura Gordon's
presentation at the bottom of this message (Hope you don't mind Laura :-).

Among the changes that the current board has made is to reduce the board to
seven members from the current 13. We have decided that it is better to
have a smaller board where every member is expected to participate than a
large board where some members participate and some do not.

We will take the names of those who would like to be on the board and
create ballots. We will then vote at the December meeting. Note that there
will be no absentee voting. You have to attend the December meeting to

If you want an idea of what it is like to be on the board, there is a short
explanation below:

Responsibilities: Attend at least five to six monthly meetings per year.
(Note that there can be exceptions, but this rule is important because
board members need to know what the group is doing.) Chair at least one
monthly meeting per year. Volunteer to help at monthly meetings,
JoomlaCamp, and Joomla Day NYC Weekend. Constantly promote Joomla to
members and outsiders. Help Joomla newcomers. Communicate ideas to the
board and other members.

Once the board has been voted on, those board members will then choose who
will be President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Web Master/Mistress from the
group. It should also be noted that board position terms are limited to one
year. This gives everyone a chance to serve. Although, there can be
exceptions, this would require a 100% agreement from all board members.

Please let me know if you have further questions. I hope to see everyone at
the Joomla NYC November Meeting this Thursday.

- - - Steve

Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
Twitter: @StephenBritton
ph: 914-661-0040

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -
George Bernard Shaw
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