[joomla] Please join @JoomlaNYC on Twitter and the "Must Follow" Joomla Twitter List

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Sat Oct 15 17:00:27 EDT 2011

Hi Gang,

I meant to announce the @joomlanyc Twitter account at the meeting on
Thursday, but got caught up with the Joomla 1.7 discussion so I will deliver
the story now:

I joined Twitter late, but now I can't imagine how I lived without it.

Twitter is the ultimate communication tool. Think email news on steriods!

Originally, I created my personal Twitter account in 2009, but didn't really
understand the power of Twitter until this past May when I got into a
conversation with a social media marketer at my local Starbucks.

After a five-minute overview, I am now a Twitter addict and follow 260+
accounts, ranging from @FinancialTimes, @NewYorker and @SherylCrow to
@KyleLedbetter and @JoomlaWorks. The first thing I do in the morning is
check my Twitter account. Then throughout the day, I monitor Twitter on
various computers and my Android phone.

I have found Twitter to be a great way to follow the Joomla community and
learn about the latest in updates, components, modules and templates. This
is my list - in no particular order - of "must follow" Joomla Twitter
accounts. Feel free to add to chime in and share your favorites.

@JoomlaNYC (Joomla New York City users group - natch!)
@BrianTeeman (one of the founders of Joomla)
@JoomlaWorks (K2 and other products)
@sigsu_net (makers of Sobi2 and SobiPro directories)
@sobipro (directory extension)
@jen4web (trainer and author Jen Kramer)
@elinwaring (our local Joomla guru)
@jlleblanc (programmer Joe LeBlanc)
@k2joom (K2 theme developer)
@akeebabackup (popular backup program)
@betweenbrain (developer Matt Thomas)
@kyleledbetter (designer and developer behind AdminPraise and ProjectFork)
@yootheme (theme developer)
@joomlabamboo (theme developer)
@joomlapraise (theme developer)
@joomlatips (tips and tricks)
@rockettheme (theme developer)
@corywebb (trainer, author, developer)
@stackideas (extensions)
@virtuemart (e-commerce extension)
@alledia (trainer, author Steve Burge of
@joomlablogger (news and blog)
@joomlashack (extensions, themes, training and author Barry North)
@andreweddie (master Joomla developer)
@kunena (forum component)
@jomsocial (social media component)
@joomlapolis (Community Builder extension)
@dioscouri (makers of Tienda and other fine products)
@osmatters (overseer of Joomla trademark and open source license)
@cozimek (Ryan Ozimek, president of Open Source Matters)
@rsjoomla (makers of RSForms, RSBlog, etc. extensions)

So do me a favor and join @joomlanyc . You will get plenty of news and
meeting reminders, although we will continue to use the Joomla NYC mailing
list too.

Have a great weekend! And I look forward to seeing everyone at Joomla Day
NYC Weekend next week.

- - - Steve

Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
Twitter: @StephenBritton
ph: 914-661-0040

"The most important thing that I learned from Steve is to always follow your
heart. He believed that the only way to do truly great work is to adore what
you are doing." - Andy Hertzfeld, member of original Macintosh team.
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