[joomla] Joomla Day NYC 2011 and November monthly meeting

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Mon Oct 24 17:44:24 EDT 2011

As you may have already heard, Joomla Day NYC was a HUGE SUCCESS!

There were so many happy people and the three days went too quickly. It was
impressive that many people traveled so far to attend. There were attendees
from Seattle, L.A., Portland, Austin, Brazil, England, France, Australia,
Winnipeg, etc.  It was neat to hear the various British accents and people
speaking in Portuguese, German and French, which made it a true
international event.

I also want to thank our friends at Microsoft for letting us use their
offices and for sponsoring the Saturday evening party at House of Brews.

It was also great to meet the people behind the extensions - JFBConnect,
JEvents, SimpleCaddy, etc. and compare notes with Joomla "Rock Stars," like
Kyle Ledbetter of Admin Praise, and Matt Thomas of the Construct Framework.
I heard many people say nice things, including how they want to come back to
New York next year.

Many, many thanks to Laura and Scott.

Also thanks to:

And all the others who helped make this event a success.

I also want to invite those interested in joining the board of directors of
Joomla NYC to attend the next board meeting on Thursday Nov. 11. As we have
previously announced, all those who want to become board members - and
current board members - have to read a one paragraph statement on why they
want to be on the board.

It you cannot attend the November meeting, please ask a friend to read your
paragraph or you can email it to me and I will read it for you.

Being on the board of Joomla NYC requires dedication and the willingness to
volunteer and help others. It is often a thankless job and involves
providing professional quality work without pay. You may have to lug cases
of bottled water, clean conference rooms after meetings,
and occasionally hear unwarranted criticism from crazy people.

On the positive side, being on the board can be very rewarding. You make new
friends, get possible job referrals, and have another item to add to your
resume/website that says you are contributing the community. My favorite
reward is the feeling that comes from helping people, solving problems, and
improving the lives of others.

We also expect board members to do the following:

* Attend the monthly NY JUG meetings. The meeting is the second Thursday of
the month. We are well aware that some folks have job commitments or have to
take off summer months. But it would be great if board members could attend
at least five to six monthly meetings per year to be aware of what is going

* Volunteer to help plan and work at the two annual events - Joomla Day NYC
Weekend and JoomlaCamp NYC. We need to start planning both events for 2012

* Take part in occasional board meetings. These are usually conference
calls, but sometimes we hold in-person meetings.

* Contribute your knowledge and help others. You should know Joomla well
enough to provide basic support. It is also a big plus if you have other
technical, business knowledge and life experiences that you can share.

* Chair at least one meeting per year. This involves getting one or more
speakers to present at the monthly meeting. You can present and/or find
others to present. The presentation can be anything Joomla related, from
demonstrating a module or componenet to showing how to modify a form or
template and discuss Joomla's many features.

Also remember that you do not have to be a board member to volunteer. We
could not put on these events and monthly meetings if it was not for so many
devoted Joomlers who participate in Joomla NYC.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the November meeting and to start
planning Joomla Day NYC Weekend 2012.

All best,


Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
Twitter: @StephenBritton
ph: 914-661-0040

"The most important thing that I learned from Steve is to always follow your
heart. He believed that the only way to do truly great work is to adore what
you are doing." - Andy Hertzfeld, member of original Macintosh team.
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