[joomla] Back-end Joomla admin search recommendations?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Sun Sep 11 03:31:57 EDT 2011

Thanks for the suggestion, I just tried RS Search and it needs work,  
as it didn't return any search results.

David Roth

On Sep 11, 2011, at 1:55 AM, Donna Marie Vincent wrote:

> RS Search by RSJoomla
> From: David Roth <davidalanroth at>
> To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at>
> Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 1:51 AM
> Subject: [joomla] Back-end Joomla admin search recommendations?
> I've tried Easy Search, but it doesn't find some strings I know are  
> there.
> Anyone else have a back-end search for Joomla recommendation or  
> method you use? In the past I've done mysqldumps and did a grep, but  
> that isn't pretty and makes it difficult to know exactly where in  
> Joomla it found it. Thanks!
> David Roth

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