
Stephen Britton sbritton at
Fri Apr 27 14:24:16 EDT 2012

I just noticed the New York PHP, which has hosted the Joomla NYC mailing
list for the past five years, has removed all references to
from its website. I could not find any way to subscribe or un-subscribe
from this mailing list.

I hope this is only temporary. If not, maybe we should look into
alternatives, like Google Groups, but I don't know if there is a way to
import all the members from NYPHP to Google Groups. I would like to avoid
asking folks to re-subscribe to this mailing list, although that might not
be a bad thing.

Hopefully, this is just a temporary issue as I have heard that NYPHP is
upgrading it's website.

Best regards,


Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
Twitter: @StephenBritton
ph: 914-661-0040

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -
George Bernard Shaw
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