[joomla] system timezone issue

Christopher French contact at
Fri Aug 31 00:36:39 EDT 2012

Yea I would agree with this, OR it has just always been not set and you
turned on error reporting in your config.

what is more likely since you are running joomla 1.5 is that you were
running on a host running PHP 5.2 and now you are running php 5.3 which
requires  the datetime settings.

The date timezone error is also something I had when I upgraded to PHP 5.3,
it seems the stock PHP 5.3 doesn't set a value for this - to correct the
problem, edit your php.ini file and add in a recognized timezone value for
the 'date.timezone' setting. There's a whole list of accepted timezones at:

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 10:32 PM, David Roth <davidalanroth at>wrote:

> Hi Paul.
> Without more details, I'm going to hazard a guess to what's going on. That
> error message is appearing because PHP has been updated to a later version
> which expects the time zone functions to be done differently. The way to
> fix this would be to make changes to PHP code, which I don't think is a
> good solution because it's most likely in many places through Joomla 1.5
> and perhaps extensions too.
> My best recommendation would be to upgrade from Joomla 1.5 to the latest
> release which is 2.5.6. Make sure you check the minimum PHP requirements
> for upgrading to Joomla 2.5.6. When you can get to the command level, type
> php -v and that will display the current version the system is running. If
> you don't have shell access to do that, try uploading a tiny PHP program
> like this and call it phpinfo.php:
> <?php
> // Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL
> phpinfo();
> ?>
> Then run it from the web browser for and that will
> display the version number of PHP, along with a bunch of other info too.
> I'm a little concerned why you are seeing these messages appear on the web
> page though. Perhaps one of the options to not display errors was enabled
> along the way. I don't recall where this was done exactly. In the long run,
> it's better to upgrade to the latest version of Joomla. I know it's easy
> for me to say this because I don't know the size of the web site and what
> extensions are being used which might be available for Joomla 2.5. Hope
> this helps!
> David Roth
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 9:16 PM, Paul Elliott <peforever at>wrote:
>> Joomla 1.5 (i can't login to see which release)
>> PHP 5
>> On Aug 30, 2012, at 9:09 PM, David Roth wrote:
>> What verison of Joomla & PHP is running on the server?
>> David Roth
>> On Aug 30, 2012 8:04 PM, "Paul Elliott" <peforever at> wrote:
>>> I have a site where this code has suddenly shows up on the pages.
>>> Does anybody know what this means and how to fix it:
>>> *
>>> Warning: strtotime() [function.strtotime<>]:
>>> It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are
>>> *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the
>>> date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods
>>> and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the
>>> timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Los_Angeles' for 'PDT/-7.0/DST'
>>> instead in
>>> Thanks,
>>> Paul Elliott
>>> *
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