[joomla] Allvideos plug-in, can't <center> the video?

Geoffrey Schaller gjschaller at
Mon Dec 10 18:57:28 EST 2012

I'd say use Firebug or Chrome's "Inspect Element" to see what CSS is
affecting the video - one of those will show you the list of attributes
applied to it, and you can narrow down the code that's causing it.  Chrome
will also let you alter it locally, so you can see what it will look like
if you change it, without actually changing the code on the site.

It may be a align issue, or it could be a Display (Block, inline, etc.)


On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 6:29 PM, David Roth <davidalanroth at> wrote:

> I'm sure this is only happening to me. Or it sure feels like this. :-)
> So in HTML through a custom HTML module in Joomla 2.5.8:
> {vimeo}123456{/vimeo}
> I want to center it, so I did this:
> {vimeo}123456{/vimeo}
> And it won't center. I did a View Source to look at what is on the
> page, and sure enough, the CENTER is there but it's not working.
> Likewise, I want to put two videos side by side doing this:
> {vimeo}123456{/vimeo}{vimeo}654321{/vimeo}
> and that doesn't work either.
> What am I missing here? Is there some overriding CSS from Allvideos
> (JoomlaWorks) that it controlling ignoring my simple and corrected
> inserted <CENTER>?
> No, I can't show you the web page, sorry, it's on an intranet. Thanks
> for any insight into this!
> David Roth
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Geoffrey Schaller
gjschaller at
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