[joomla] Drupal and Joomla

Helvécio da Silva helvecio.rj at
Tue Jan 10 05:16:12 EST 2012

When I tried to install Drupal once, it came to a certain point where I had
no clue what to do next. It was installed and ready to use, but I couldn't
figure out how to go to an administrator panel or insert content in the
site. Actually, I didn't even know exactly what I was seeing (some kind of
splash screen with no further info). From that day on I never used Drupal
again and moved on with Joomla. Nowadays I use Wordpress too.

If you want to go ahead and use Drupal and Joomla, go ahead! But consider
what you do, the time, skills you have and the use of your CMS to make the
best choice for the moment.

For example: I'm a graphic designer. In time I found Mambo (Joomla's
previous incarnation). It was easy for me to understand how to put things
together and I grew from there. I was amazed how I coud be able to offer my
clients things that until then I'd have to turn into a programmer to offer.
I'm not a programmer. I CAN'T code PHP. So I resort to Joomla Extensions
Directory everytime I need to add an extra something to a project. And it
has dissappointed veeeeeery little in time. I run my own business, so I
have focus on what I want and need to learn. I came to a point where I
don't want to use my time to learn the nuts and bolts of things that I
won't use everyday, like REAL PHP coding. BUT I am always learning a little
thing here and there as I delve into Joomla. I have a curious personality,
so I feel good to learn Joomla. I live in a country where not everyone can
ACTUALLY speak english so there's a demand that Google Translator can't
handle. :-) I help translate some extensions, I'm great at HTML and CSS
(LOVIT!) and there's a demand here in Brazil from people and
micro-companies who can and want to use a CMS.

All this put together made ME stick with Joomla.

If you have PLENTY of time on your hands, embrace both worlds and find
what's the best you can extract from each of them.

Good luck!

2012/1/9 Anthony McDonald <amac904 at>

> I am new to the group but I would like to know if 10 minutes could be put
> aside to discuss Drupal and Joomla at the next meeting.  I am new to CMSs,
> but they all seem to do the same thing (organize data with MYSQL and
> display the content in defined html <div>s).
> What I've come across in my research is the notion that Drupal is more
> powerful than Joomla. I don't think so, but beleive the:
> Drupal community is "smaller" and more "Enfranchised", and the
> Joomla community is "Larger and less Enfranchised".
> Is this by design?
> If we can start to answer this question I think it will broaden our
> approach with Joomla.
> New member,
> Anthony McDonald
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Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - helvecio.rj at -
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