[joomla] OK, I give up. Where is the "magic" for links?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Tue Jul 17 08:53:12 EDT 2012

I was poking around in K2, and when I had it print out via 'echo' a link, I
noticed it didn't include the domain. It included everything after that.
While I was playing with this K2 template I thought I had left something
out. Then I did a view source on the page and all links didn't include the
domain, but they work just fine.

How is the domain being inserted when it's displayed as a web page? I am
guessing this takes place as Javascript someplace? If so, where?

Yes, I know we get this done for free and should be thankful, but I'd
really like to know how this work. Thanks in advance for a
kind explanation.

David Roth
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