[joomla] Workflow question

Janet Sullivan jmsullivan50 at
Wed May 23 16:38:45 EDT 2012

Hi Matt:

Its actually working and I guess it will be preserved across upgrades, but elegant it's not!
Instead of putting all my overrides in a single css file, I have to put them in one of about 8 files.
Kinda clunky when I compare to how the wordpress templates that I have used would have
handled it....
But it works....
I'm still more than mildly curious as to how I could have used your constructs framework instead, but
with tight deadlines, I got the path of least resistance. " In my spare time" I'll crack open framework and see
how it works.  

Janet Sullivan

 From: Matt Thomas <matt at>
To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: [joomla] Workflow question


That's great to hear. I'm in the same boat as you; reading the manual is not the first thought that occurs to me either (with the exception of anything by Nicholas at Akeeba as his documentation is phenomenal). 

The reason I mention it is that preserving modifications to a file, like adding a style sheet to your template's index.php, is not something that Joomla handles well between upgrades. Typically, any modifications, to files that you install, get lost. We each seem to address in our own particular way, so each framework might have a special feature for this.

In any case, I'm glad that you worked it out.


Matt Thomas
Founder betweenbrain™
Lead Developer Construct Template Development Framework
Phone: 203.632.9322
Twitter: @betweenbrain


On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Janet Sullivan <jmsullivan50 at> wrote:

>I'm sitting here laughing because "reading the manual" is something that seldom occurs to me, 
>yet is so often the solution.  As in this case, when I read the manual I find that Yoothemes offers 
>a premium version of the same theme.
>The difference between the free and premium is that the premium version has another style sheet file
>called "extra-styles" where you can add customizations, just as I want to do.  So simple.  I'm still mildly
>curious as to whether or not modifying the tk_redemption_free/layouts/template.config would have worked.
>I think I will try it after I get the real client site going.....
>And thanks!
> I'm writing it 100 times:  Read the manual, read the manual, read the manual.....
>Janet Sullivan
> From: Matt Thomas <matt at>
>To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at> 
>Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 11:25 AM
>Subject: Re: [joomla] Workflow question
>You can also look at to see how the core templates add stylesheets.  
>Have you checked with the folks at Yootheme? They may have a preferred method that might also persevere this change between upgrades.
>Sent from my phone that uses an open source operating system. 
>On May 19, 2012 7:07 AM, "Scott Wolpow" <scott at> wrote:
>The one for your template
>>path-to-site- /template/index.php
>>the css is
>>path-to-site- /template/css
>>Make sure it calls your custom css last.
>>Look at the index.php file, you will see the other css's listed
>>On 5/19/2012 7:04 AM, Janet Sullivan wrote: 
>>Thanks Scott.  I'm not very good with php yet.
>>>which index.php file? I think I've seen several....
>>>  and where to add it so that my css is guaranteed to override
          the standard template?
>>>Janet Sullivan
>>> From: Scott Wolpow <scott at>
>>>To: joomla at 
>>>Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 6:44 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [joomla] Workflow question
>>>Your best bet is to add a custom.css file to the template.
>>>Then add it in the index.php
>>>This will solve your issues, but you may have to add the
                line again in the index.php
>>>Scott Wolpow
>>>On 5/19/2012 6:29 AM, Janet Sullivan wrote: 
>>>I am building a joomla site using  Yootheme, based on the Warp framework.
>>>> I can't limit my changes to only what the framework/ theme has built in so use firebug to 
>>>> to identify  the css changes necessary.
>>>>My problem is that I don't know where I should
                        be putting the new CSS code.  I know how to
                        change the various
>>>>css files because firebug tells me the filename
                        and the line number for each element that I want
                        to change. I could
>>>>easily go into each file and make the changes.  
>>>>However, is that how I should be working?  For
                        example, I am using a free version of the TK
                        Redemption theme.  Suppose later in the
>>>>project I need the premium features of that
                        theme and need to upgrade?  If I have made a
                        bunch of random changes to the css, I think
>>>>I may have to start all over with the premium
                        theme.  I think there should be a way to isolate
                        my CSS is a separate place to make upgrading
>>>>What is the proper procedure  so I don't make a
>>>>Thanks in advance.  And by the way, this forum
                      (and the NYC Users Group) is GREAT.  Thanks to
                      everyone who has helped this novice
>>>>jump start with Joomla!
>>>>Janet Sullivan
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