[joomla] Email verification during Joomla Registration

Donna Marie Vincent donnamarievincent at
Thu Sep 20 13:13:43 EDT 2012

Why don't you have RSForms Pro fill in a dummy email address.  [username]@[client's domain]

 From: brynk <brynk at>
To: joomla at 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 1:07 PM
Subject: [joomla] Email verification during Joomla Registration
Hello Everyone and Happy NYC Joomla DAY Weekend!

I have a client with a Joomla 1.5.26 site. He registers customers using the backend User Manager and does not want to type in the user email address. To clarify, he does not have a user email to enter into the field and does not have a need for that field.

I talked to him about a Joomla 2.5.x migration but this is not in the works so I started thinking about and looking at methods to hack Joomla 1.5 (YIKES -- I hate doing this for obvious reasons).

I explored using RS Forms Pro but it appears that RS Forms Pro can not override the built in Joomla CMS verification that takes place at the registration process even if you create a custom RSForms Pro registration form.

There are a few posts at about this :

but I tried commenting out the the two sections of code that send the email out after registration and this did not solve my problem.

Does anyone know where in Joomla CMS 1.5.x I can find the specific code that verifies that the email field has data and/or checks the data entered against existing users. Perhaps I can just comment out this verification and be happy!

Thank You
Bob Rynkieiwcz

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