[nycphp-talk] Warning: Page has expired!!

Michael mogmios at
Thu Aug 1 14:55:37 EDT 2002

It's been my experience that usually it is better to not expect the
browsers back and forward buttons to work. It's good to try to handle them
gracefully but if your app is going to try going back to another page as
part of it's design you really should include links to take the user
there. :)

Don't dream it. Be it.

Michael McGlothlin <mogmios at>

On Thu, 1 Aug 2002 WEBPHP4 at wrote:

> I wrote an app that has a master config file which contains all the session
> calls. I have writen many php files that have require statements that call
> this master config file.
> When ever I hit the back button from any of these pages at any time I get the
> page that tells me the page has expired. I was wondering how I can get around
> this. I would like it to display the last page and all the data that was in
> the text boxes, and so on.
> I do hope I gave enough info
> John

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