[nycphp-talk] Anyone buying this? Linux vs. Win2k

Lynn, Michael (DCS) MLynn at
Tue Dec 3 06:24:07 EST 2002

Anybody remember this:

However, in the interest of fair competition.  The above study pits RedHat 7.2 against Windows 2000 Advanced Server.  Perhaps a more accurate study would incorporate one of the per-seat/per-server
Linuses against the Microsoft Solution. ie: RedHat Advanced Server ( bottom line cost $799 per seat on up through $2499 - and yes, you
really, really do have to pay RedHat for EVERY server you have running AS).

The Linux solution still wins based simply on the accompanying software licenses... I may plug in the numbers just to make sure - anybody interested?


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe M [mailto:joe_m at] 
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 11:27 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Anyone buying this? Linux vs. Win2k

sorry, MY bad..meant to say "ha ha!"
well at least they admit as a web server linux is cheaper. 
what do they think most folks are using it for? 
             joe (not a ms basher)m

On Mon,  2 Dec 2002 22:58:48 -0500
  Jon Baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
>My bad :-)
>Basically stating that Win2K is cheaper than Linux. :-\\
>- Jon
>Analysis & Solutions wrote:
>>On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 10:14:38PM -0500, Jon Baer wrote:
>>Uh, I ain't buyin' nutin'!  'Course, you gamme' nutin' to

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