[nycphp-talk] Anyone buying this? Linux vs. Win2k

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Mon Dec 2 23:55:12 EST 2002

On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 10:58:48PM -0500, Jon Baer wrote:
> Basically stating that Win2K is cheaper than Linux. :-\\

Funny how they didn't mention the costs of the various BSD OS's.

Here are two of the prime quotes from the story:

"Personnel costs involved in the upkeep of Linux-based servers, which 
manage networks of computers, far outweigh the benefits of being able to 
obtain the software for free or at lower costs"

"For example, in order to support 100 full-time users 
over a five year period on a networking server, Linux-based systems cost 
$13,263 versus $11,787 for Microsoft, the IDC study said."

Now, that second quote doesn't say anything about the cost of the
operating software.  Then, let's not forget the cost of MS Office and
other software for 100 workstations.  Are those costs included in that 
$11,787 figure?  Sure doubt it.


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