[nycphp-talk] [JOB] PT Junior Developer, Manhattan

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Fri Dec 6 17:22:17 EST 2002

On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 05:03:46PM -0500, Jon Baer wrote:
> You know ... this REALLY leads to a better discussion on possible PHP 
> Certification of some kind

Bah.  Certification can just mean you're good at taking tests.  Doesn't 
necessarily reflect real world smarts, discipline, nor research and 
hacking skills.

A good interview, references and coding examples prove far more than any 
certification test.

In fact, requiring certification for a position will likely have you miss
some really star tallent -- like myself :) -- who don't go along with that



 The new Department of Homeland Security is exempt from:
    * the Freedom of Information Act   * procurement rules
    * labor collective bargaining      * whistle blower protection
 The real goal?  Eliminating government accountability.

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