[nycphp-talk] PHP version compatibility standards

George Webb gwebb at
Mon Dec 16 06:34:37 EST 2002

	It sounds to me like the best solution is per-directory php.ini files,
preferably distributed with the source code itself.  Maybe a "install script"
would have to "configure" the php.ini file to make it compatible with your

	Even if the author would simply include *their* php.ini file with
no explanation, it might help the installer (you or me) to troubleshoot
or prevent problems.  So if your program's distribution doesn't come with
its own php.ini file, perhaps at least you could get the author to email
you a copy of his/her own php.ini file which is known to be compatible.
Then you could just tweak that file.

	MAGIC_QUOTES_* is another one to watch out for.

	Even better scripts can test for these "critical" .ini options,
and either override them or work around them.

	Or of course *you* could make these improvements and contribute
them back to the project!	

George Webb
gw.nyphp at

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