[nycphp-talk] Please review this: Simple localization with PHP

Emmanuel. M. Decarie emm at
Fri Dec 20 15:28:35 EST 2002

Hello Jaz,

À (At) 09:23 -0500 20/12/02, Jaz-Michael King écrivait (wrote) :
>Hey Emm, great article, easy to get through and well thought-out, 
>well structured.

Thanks a lot for your appreciation!

>Here's some editing for you, just some minor polishing. (Ton 
>anglais, c'est beaucoup mieux que mon francais ;-)

Thanks Jaz, I have integrated your corrections and Hans's corrections too.

>Je crois c'est mieux si tu fait les changes, comme ca j'espere tu 
>peut voir les subtleties.
>You should consider publishing this on

That's a great idea. I didn't know that had a forum to 
submit articles.

I have acknowledged your contribution as 'Jaz-Michael King'. I hope 
this is correct. Do you want me to link your name to a web site?


>  >>> emm at 12/19/02 03:57PM >>>
>If you have time, please review this article called 'Simple
>Localization with PHP'.

Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
Frontier - Perl - PHP - Javascript - XML  <>

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