[nycphp-talk] PHP in production on Microsoft IIs

Bradley Baumann bradley at
Sun Dec 22 12:48:25 EST 2002

    Just out of pure curiosity, and utter hatred for IIS...why, may I ask,
are you using it? What can a Microsoft product do that FreeBSD / RedHat

  I understand if it's a client that is just picky about what is used, but I
think that it would be better in the long run to not waste time with Windows
2000 / IIS and just use something you're familiar with.

    However, I do have experience with IIS and high-load websites, there
isn't too much you can do to tweak the speed, or anything like that... It's
pretty..."bland". PHP works under Windows, and IIS just fine (not as well as
*nix, I, personally think -- but that's me)

    As for the ISAPI modules, why even use them? Why not write it all in
PHP? Personally, I think that PHP is better then perl/cgi. Let us know what
this module does, and perhaps we can help you to port it over to a PHP

    What bugs are you encountering? Give us the errors, and the code -- I'll
try and help you.

Good luck.
-Bradley Baumann

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan T. Miller" <amiller at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 12:26 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] PHP in production on Microsoft IIs

> I have always used PHP with either RedHat or FreeBSD. However, I am
> on a site now that is equipped with windows 2000 and IIS. I am considering
> using PHP on this site and was curious to hear from anyone who has any
> expereince using PHP on a reletively high traffic site on IIS.
> The current site gets over 100,000 hits a day. For my own internal
> development I use PHP as a CGI module and I know that eats up a lot of
> resources, I don't think this would be a good option for our production
> server. I know that you can run PHP on IIs as an ISAPI module but the last
> time I looked into this it seemed it was still buggy and not really ready
> for production.
> So if you were me, what would you do and why? Of course at this point,
> ditching windows is not an option. It is in the long term plan however.
> Thanks in advance,
> Alan
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