PHP in production on Microsoft IIs

Alan T. Miller amiller at
Sun Dec 22 12:27:06 EST 2002

I have always used PHP with either RedHat or FreeBSD. However, I am working
on a site now that is equipped with windows 2000 and IIS. I am considering
using PHP on this site and was curious to hear from anyone who has any
expereince using PHP on a reletively high traffic site on IIS.

The current site gets over 100,000 hits a day. For my own internal
development I use PHP as a CGI module and I know that eats up a lot of
resources, I don't think this would be a good option for our production
server. I know that you can run PHP on IIs as an ISAPI module but the last
time I looked into this it seemed it was still buggy and not really ready
for production.

So if you were me, what would you do and why? Of course at this point,
ditching windows is not an option. It is in the long term plan however.

Thanks in advance,

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