[nycphp-talk] OPen Source e-commerce apps / libraries in PHP?

Lynn, Michael (DCS) MLynn at
Thu Jul 18 14:27:44 EDT 2002 - it's the latest version of the exchange project... Pretty slick.  There is also a version of PostNuke that has oscommerce functionality built in - I think it's available on

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan T. Miller [mailto:amiller at] 
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 2:21 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] OPen Source e-commerce apps / libraries in PHP?

Hello everyone,

I was curious if anyone out there has had experience with any open source e-commerce type applications or libraries. I have been looking at Inrerchange, but do not really care for what seems to be its
own proprietary markup code. I need to build something extensible, but I would prefer to not have to have to start from scratch. So any suggestions, or pointers on where to look would be most
appreciated. Something written in PHP would be preferable. I was looking at an application called 'pgmarket' and like the fact that it is a template system and object oriented, but am not too keen on
its use of phplib. Thanks again, Alan

Alan T. Miller
amiller at

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