[nycphp-talk] JavaScript List?

Arno Vanmosel Arno.Vanmosel at
Fri Jul 19 14:31:54 EDT 2002

Say what Dan? .... Wrong Wrong Wrong ....
I agree with Kyle. 
JavaScript is used to keep the load on the servers low!
If you know what your doing, you can accomplish many things with Jscript.
Validation, Dynamic menu's, Browser checking, etc...
If I had to do all this on the server ... I would have a farm stretching 
from NYC to Atlanta, GA .... You do need to make sure that your jscripts
are compliant with browsers. Get something like dhtmllib and your set.
The more you can use the visitors web-browser, the more you save on server 
processing, which means less servers, which means less money to spend on 
your hardware infrastructure, which means a happy CTO!
Don't know what kind of hit volume you guys get at analysisandsolutions,
but if you guys want a 15 billion http request ratio, you better rethink 
your coding strategy! 
Don't get me wrong, PHP is good at certain things ... no even better ... 
many things!
But there are many languages out there that have their pro's and cons.
Don't get to focused on one language to much ... 

(Hans ... You must have seen that one coming .... hehehehe)


-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle Tuskey [mailto:ktuskey at]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 1:49 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] JavaScript List?

That's not really accurate.  Javascript, CSS, and DHTML are all very
useful if you know what you are doing.  Browser detection makes it
possible to implement client side languages without worrying as much
about widespread compliance.  The drawback being longer interface
development time as you would have to design UI for multiple levels of
compliancy.  With this setup and the good client side coding, you can
save the user time in reloading a page or make it easier and more
interactive to perform a task, thus saving bandwidth and other system

Kyle Tuskey
eXostream Communications

-----Original Message-----
From: Analysis & Solutions [mailto:danielc at] 
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 11:24 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] JavaScript List?

On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 10:40:36PM -0400, SolTek wrote:
> Does anyone know of any list I can join for seeking help with

/dev/null  :)

While I'm joking, I'm also serious.  The only legitimate use for
Java'sCrap is mouseovers.  Relying on the browser/client for anything
isn't wise.

Most things done with JS can be done server side much more accurately.  
That's why you've subscribed to a PHP list, no?  :)

See for more 


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