[nycphp-talk] Creating file for download on the fly?

Edgar Reyes ereyes at
Fri Jul 26 12:29:50 EDT 2002


Well I don't know if you are running on Windows or on Unix server but I if
you are running an a windows platform,  you can change the MIME type on the
results page and have it come up on an excel sheet and if they want to save
it they can just go to file save as and save the results on their computer.

Hope this helps.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Freedman, Tom S." <tfreedma at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 10:15 AM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Creating file for download on the fly?

> Hi all, I've been a lurker for a couple months as I've been learning PHP,
> and many of your suggestions have been really helpful.  I was hoping
> might have an idea on how to tackle an issue I haven't been able to find
> info on.
> I'm currently working on a new version of a departmental intranet website.
> I have a database, and offer the users a search page that lets them query
> in a variety of ways.  The new results page is not laid out in a grid, as
> the old one was (we've added a lot of new fields, and the grid would be
> packed).  Some users have requested the ability to download the data for
> import into Excel (they used to just copy and paste the table in).  I've
> figured out how to create a .csv file, and I could, theoretically, create
> one every time someone runs a query, save it in a temp directory, and
> include a link to it on the webpage.  We'd have to run a cleanup routine
> every night, though, to delete all these .csv's on the server.  It seems
> really clumsy to me.  What I'd like to do is put a link on the result page
> that, when clicked on, builds the .csv right then and offers it to the
> for download.  Is this feasible, or should I just go with the temp
> full of reports?
> Thanks in advance,
> Tom

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