[nycphp-talk] PHP.NET webmasters

George Herson gherson at
Tue Jul 30 16:30:42 EDT 2002

yes, the fascist people (and zend i must say) have left me wistful for a 
generous Larry Wall (or Hans Z. :) character, or even a benevolent dictator. webmasters ignore 100% of my suggestions and questions which is their 
right, but you've got to warn your users if your bug reporting system is 
connected to a Usenet, as in permanently archived, mailing list.  That's bad 
when you've packed the report full of personal contact info like i did. 
Hopefully they fixed it. I did let Rasmus Lerdorf know a couple times about it.

I also couldn't understand how they could add commands to the language w/o 
having a better definition of what it actually did.  Surely the person who 
implemented the command/function could have provided a decent description with 
example.  Lately the site has obviously fleshed-out, however.


nyphp at wrote:
> has anyone else had the displeasure of speaking to anyone on the
> webmaster's list for  i sent them some mail this morning where i
> outlined a problem i had finding some documentation on monday, and they
> went psycho, insinuating that i can't read and all kinds of
> nonsense.  they were really rude.
> has anyone else had this experience?
> jim.bishop

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