[nycphp-talk] single entry point

Michael mogmios at
Tue Jul 30 21:37:39 EDT 2002

I'll step out on a limb and disagree with the others that responded to
your message. I've written some very large PHP-based sites and from my
experiences I've learned to base any sites of any size off a moduler
single entry point design. For an example of the framework I created for
my own use try and see my newest

I do not suggest that using a single entry point design is reasonable for
every project. Small sites don't really benefit from the more structured
design. Also a single entry point site can be designed totally without
enternal structure which is just a mess. It can also be beneficial to have
several 'single entry points' to group modules as is practical for your
problem domain.

As someone else said templates are a good design choice for use with
single entry points. IMO so are object oriented modules. Good object
oriented design will make it easier to maintain security and
maintainability as the site growsbut by no means will do your job for you.

There is no reason why search engines won't or can't spider as deep as you
want even with a single entry point. It's a pretty easy trick to pass PHP
arguments in the URL path. For example index.php?module=logon can be done
as index.php/module/logon or just index.php/logon if you wanted.. hiding
the fact that the requested files are dynamic from the search engines.

> As a fairly new PHP developer, I'm wrestling with not only learning the
> lingo, but also attempting to discover best practice.  When I was first
> faced with ASP when ASP was first introduced I made the design snafu of
> developing my first small page as a single page.  Login, login validation,
> form entry, form validation and submission, and submission response all
> rolled up into 1 .asp file.  While it was great for this 1 small app ( more
> of an applet ), when the client wanted to add more stuff it required
> re-arranging the app splitting it up, figuring out the then flawed
> response.redirect etc.  It then required adding to the top of each page the
> security checks to ensure the user was logged in etc. ( of course added as
> an include ).
> Well to make a short story long, I encountered an ASP app written by another
> programmer which I was inheriting which used a single entry point(
> everything went through default.asp ( ASP's equivalent of index.php ) ).  He
> used an encrypted querystring parameter to key the ASP file as to which page
> was really required & then using a case statement included the necessary
> files.  He must not have been aware of ASP's static include, all includes
> are included regardless of control logic around the include.  I did think
> the solution to be rather elegant, hiding the implementation from the user
> by only exposing 1 page.  Later as I developed it I even moved the encrypted
> parameter to a hidden form field to even hide that part of the
> implementation.
> I've seen a few PHP apps floating around that use a similar design.  In PHP
> the obvious advantage over the ASP version is the dynamic include ( include
> based on the surounding logic ).  I'm interested to get the opinion of more
> experienced PHP developers on this single entry point design.  I realize
> this design will not allow search engines to index more than the entry
> point, but I'm developing in an extranet environment where search engines
> are not desired anyway.
> I think one of the things that draws me to this solution is the ease of
> security checks and forcing a specific modality ( ie. stopping the browsers
> back button & ensuring a specific work flow where required ).
> Please let me know your opinion on this.
> Jim
> _____________________________________________________________
> Jim Hendricks, President, Biz Computing, Inc
> Phone:  (201) 599-9380     Email: jim at
> Web:
> Snail:  Jim Hendricks,  Biz Computing, Inc.,  255 McKinley Ave, New Milford,
> NJ 07646
>  ______________________________________________________________

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