[nycphp-talk] nice and easy sendmail interface..

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Fri Jun 21 09:36:05 EDT 2002

--- Ian Forsyth <ian at> wrote:
> Does any one no of an equivalent to qmailadmin
> ( login with domain of
> and
> password test) for sendmail?

Simply, no, or at least not that are publicly floating around.  qmail
is a very clean package, and was designed with virtual hosting in mind.

> Currently I am using which has a bunch of sendmail
> modules, though I do not know much about setting up alias/forwards,
> and such
> across multiple domains and am looking for a very simple interface
> that
> would allow me to do so.

Nothing concerning sendmail is simple :)

> Or if such an interface does not exist/ I would certainly appreciate
> some
> urls having some getting started with sendmail with multiple domains
> type
> information..

Google for 'sendmail virtual hosting'.  Basically you'll need to edit
the /etc/mail/local-host-names, /etc/mail/virtualusertable, and
possibly the files themselves.  And in the end, when
working with sendmail, I've found the best reference to be:

1) a 70 year old sendmail admin who has done it their whole life.
2) the o'reilly book

(in that order).

> Or.. should i just install qmail? is it a superior package?

It's hard to call one superior than the other - sendmail is the 800
pound gorilla, while qmail is the chimpanzee.  Some argue that sendmail
has more features and is faster - while this may be true, 99% of those
features are useless to the average user, and performance is
negligable.  qmail is certainly the more modern and well put together

pure-ftpd vs wu-ftpd?  


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