CMS Systems

Arno Vanmosel Arno.Vanmosel at
Fri Jun 21 11:35:18 EDT 2002

I'm looking for a PHP CMS System that is highly configurable for our
site/member usage.
We currently run a CMS that I wrote a year ago, but this lacked some
options, a year went 
by and are ready to build something large. So instead of writing it I
thought that there 
must be a CMS out there that does this all ... I just modify it and I'm done

This CMS would be used by a clan/squad site (50 + members) and it should
Calendars, Polls, Schedules, easy document publishing with history feature,
Image gallery, 
Message board, Forum, Email handling, Admin with email the group feature,
email a friend,
Password Protected areas, etc... (MSQL Support)
Certain members are allowed to publish, some don't.

I know that there are "some" out there, but I don't want to go with another
Nuke ...
Any Ideas? ..... There are so many out there .... I got lost! 

Thanks ...


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