[nycphp-talk] NYC economy for web developers / J

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri May 10 13:07:16 EDT 2002

Here is my take on things:

Over time and the past 2-3 years, expert developers have made things WAY too
easy ... and in fact myself and others working on AI (on the side because NO
ONE puts any real money into AI) are building
bots/agents/whateveryouwanttocallthem to actually code for themselves
(simple Javascript routines, maybe eventually some PHP since its a bit
easier) but I find the "install and run" attitude to completely forget about
HTML programmers, and the whole evolution of
HTML->XHTML->XML->SOAP->WSDL->UDDI is a bit stalled because no one has R&D
money to blow on things that may or may not work and honestly half the time
of a developer is spent sitting around playing and waiting for a 1.0 API to
be released from some consortium somewhere ...

Then there are other things like VoiceXML which is promised to be so easy to
code even HTML people can do it and then when you learn what you need to
front the bill for such a service its not really like designing for the web
@ all ... cool stuff ... but will take a long time to catch on ...

Im currently riding out unemployement hoping somewhere that there will be a
glimmer of hope that money will be put into AI or some aspect of it but my
outlook is very bad, and even if I was to start something the first
objective of my business plan is to not land the company on (which is sad) ...

Im stumped on any advise Id give anyone looking to come into NYC expecting
to be a high paid web developer, in fact whats ever worse is if you look on
craigslist for job postings almost everything "free"lance falls under the
$200 mark for a complete web application ... quotes Ive been giving @ even
$35 per hour get turned down and proposals end up in outer space somewhere

- Jon

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