Strange error including PEAR libraries

Tom Harrison thetomharrison at
Wed May 15 11:16:32 EDT 2002

I am attempting to use PEAR's DB library in a project I'm working on, but am
running into problems including the files in my php scripts. To include the
library, I am using:

require_once 'DB.php';

About 20% of the time, my scripts will execute properly. The other 80% of
the time, I get this error:

Fatal error: Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='') in
/home/dpmusic/public_html/admin/dbconn.php on line 2

Notice the part about the include path, (include_path=''). I did a test
where I tried to include a dummy file with require_once 'foobar.php'; and
got this error:

Fatal error: Failed opening required 'Foobar.php'

None of my scripts contain anything that modifies the include path. I am
hosted with a pretty reliable company who has always known what they're
doing so it would surprise me if they installed php incorrectly. I would
really like to figure out how to fix this though, it's been bugging me for
weeks. Also, my phpinfo() output says that my include_path is set to


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