[nycphp-talk] Seeking Info.

Jonathan Rury ruryj at
Wed May 22 14:57:16 EDT 2002

First and foremost, the documentation at is outstanding. That is
always the first place to check when stuck with a problem. In terms of
getting introduced to mySQL and php, I've found that there are some very
good faqs out there for setup and such (just google it). If you're looking
for something to buy, "PHP and MySQL Web Development" from SAMS by Welling
and Thomson is a really useful walkthrough of some standard PHP type apps
you'll probably want to write at some point.
----- Original Message -----
From: "The Geek" <thegeek at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 2:11 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Seeking Info.

> Hello to all
> I am new to both Mysql and PHP.  I found this list by accident and have
> been lurking for about a week.  As a newbie I am in search for good
> basic and fundamental information.  Books, websites, How to's that sort
> of thing.  If there are specifics that stand out above the rest or are
> considered a must read please tell me.  I hate to buy books only to find
> then poorly written latter.
> Paul Guba

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