[nycphp-talk] Installing ZendStudio_Server. Anybody know how?

ophir prusak prutwo at
Thu May 23 16:08:14 EDT 2002

don't you get support when u buy the product ?

I'd ask zend for help.

Ophir Prusak
Internet developer 
prutwo at | 

---- charles at wrote:
> Hi,
> I bought ZendStudio 2.0 Client & Server. While I was able to install
> _Client stuff without a hitch,  the _Server is proving to be a bear
> to install on my slackware-8 box.
> Basically their installer (a perl script) sucks. It asks questions
> that I can't figure out or can't find/disambiguate the right answer
> to. (I do "find / -name '<whatever>' -print" and come up with X
> answers, which one am I supposed to use?)
> End result... I've wasted my money for want of some explanations.
> Does anybody want to earn my eternal gratitude, some nosh &
> brewskies, coming to my house in Jersey City and helping me with this
> recalcitrant install?
> -Charles-A.

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