wikis, phorums and blogs, oh my! WAS: Last night's notes?

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Thu May 23 23:18:08 EDT 2002

Hi Charles and others,

I threw up phpWiki at  It is the raw
install, so it's looking for someone to play with.  I'll give the admin
password to anyone who wants, or if multiple people want to play with
it, I can setup other instances easily.

I've also installed Phorum (great package) at  As above, it is the raw install and
looking for some attention.  I can also setup multiple instances if
more than one person wants to play with it.

I tried setting up phpWeblog ( but it is junk as
far as I can tell, so it's not working ( 
Maybe when they release their "final" version (any other PHP
implementations of this?)

If anyone knows of other programs they'd like to see setup to play
with, let me know.  Right now I can't do Perl stuff because of the
server setup.

I really don't know much about how these things work (I'm still not
sure the real difference between a weblog and wiki) so I'd like someone
to play around with these.

I don't want to have too many seperate systems going for communication,
but at this initial stage I feel that it will be best to have multiple
software possibilties up, and then they can be refined and whatever
people like the best we'll keep.  So, multiple people are welcome to
work on any number of these packages, or others.  Just let me know what
needs to be setup/changed.

Let's move this discussion to NYPHP Development (so don't just hit


Hans Z.

--- charles at wrote:
> Hello Hans,
> I'm extremely sorry I missed last night's meeting. I wanted to bring
> in my TiBook wich I use for demoes which is running Apache 1.3.23,
> php 4.1.2, MySQL-3.32.39, phpWiki-1.3.3, phpMyAdmin-2.2.4 and some
> other things. I've even installed ZendStudio_Client 2.0 Beta.
> Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to get ZendStudio_Server
> working on my slackware box.
> But duty, and a job possibility, called. I hope it wasn't for
> naught...
> A Blog, like phpSlash, would allow to build a searchable message
> stream and that would not be a bad idea. That develops a sense of
> community very quickly (specially with as small a community as the NY
> PHP User's Group.) 
> But for peristence of information, organization, searchability, and
> so on, all stuff you want in a knowledge base, you'll want a Wiki,
> (like phpwiki.)
> The stuff that worth keeping from the blog can be moved over onto
> wiki pages and that information becomes a web accessible resource. In
> fact phpwiki is extensible by using plug-ins written in php so you
> might want to integrate the blog into a wiki page to ease the
> transfer.
> I've got some time available but I have to earn some dough. Would the
> position of blog monitor/moderator be a paying one? (If not now, then
> soon?) That will be a major time sponge.
> If you decide to go for a wiki (and I think you whould, look at the
> wikipedia for some inspiration,)that will also need a
> montor/moderator backup scheduler etc... That would mesh in well with
> the duties of the blog monitor/moderator.
> -Charles-A.

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