[nycphp-talk] wikis, phorums and blogs, oh my! WAS: Last night's notes?

zinfany zinfany at
Fri May 24 10:07:30 EDT 2002

hello all,

wiki is indeed impressive, and worth considering. i mentioned phpNuke in an
earlier post and will mention it again, only because it is based on PHP and,
well, isn't that what this group is all about?

I have a few NON-porn (and non-commerical) sites running it, and you can see
one of them at

Since the platform allows you to build customized modules with PHP, it may
be worth taking a look at, as it would be good practice for the community to
build in the features we need.

~Joe J.

----- Original Message -----
From: <charles at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] wikis, phorums and blogs, oh my! WAS: Last night's

> Hello Hans,
> a wiki is a collaborative, adaptive environment. The last thing you
> want to do is set up multiple copies. That would defeat the purpose...
> How stock is your wiki install?
> What's the persistence mechanism? Did you create/use MySQL tables?
> You might want to let me onto your box and set you up properly. For
> one thing the site looks anemic. There are several attractive themes
> to choose from (I use MacOSX myself at
> though Hawaiian is
> very nice,) or we should create a distinctive NY php User's Group
> theme.
> I have already played with the wiki. Its the latest version and we
> have GOT to get it looking like it belongs so it can earn its place
> on the site's menu bar. :-)
> I'm not going to mess around any more until I know its running on
> MySQL and getting backed up every day (I burn mine to a rotation of
> CD-RWs with weekly burns to CD-Rs I've got some community groups
> actually starting to use it so I take it seriously now.)
> - - - -
> A weblog is like "/.", or ,
> or where items get contributed by the
> community, get read and commented on by site visitors, scroll of the
> end of the site lead page and pretty much disappear for ever.
> A wiki is VERY different.
> Its a 'soup' of web pages generated from database records/rows. These
> pages can be linked in a network of relationships. These pages don't
> persist unless you get really sneaky and know how to implement cache
> registration and invalidation and put it in the wiki engine,) but the
> database record/rows which were used to generate them does persist.
> Creating pages is ridiculously easy. Edit a page that seems like a
> good place to create a page at (a subtopic or sumt'in',) create a
> PageName (a string of contiguously catenated Capitalized Words, like
> 'CapitalizedWords') and save the page. It will reappear with a '?'
> following the CapitalizedWords. Click on the '?' and you'll get a new
> page to create.
> Type away and save the page and you have created the page and a link
> to it.
> Edit any other page and anywhere you have the CapitalizedWords you
> will have a link to the CapitalizedWords page. A page can have
> several kinds of links. I have created a page which links to the
> phorum. Check out the RecentVisitor's page too. Its got a table with
> an animated graohic in one of the cells.
> That page should also contain META-information about the phorum (WTF
> is it? How you use it? Administer it? Install it? Where can you
> obtain it from? etc.)
> - - - -
> Somebody will have to decide what phorums we might want to have. I
> suggest nothing until I read some more (did you install the docs?)
> - - - -
> I'm not sure about phpWeblog. If they're using it to run their site,
> I'm not greatly impressed. Actually, I don't think people use "/."
> like systems for anything serious. You might want to go with phpNuke
> instead. I have actually found a site that uses phpNuke (Be warned
> its a self-styled "Portal of Porn" at ) Its
> very "/."-like in format if not in, uh, content. At least it shows
> that phpNuke works. Does anybody know of a less embarassing site to
> use?
> - - - -
> You might want to get snipegallery
> ( ) installed to set up galleries
> of images, pictures of events, members who are't camera shy, etc.
> - - - -
> You have, of course, installed phpMyAdmin I hope.
> -Charles-A.

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