[nycphp-talk] Message Boards

Jim Musil jim at
Fri May 31 12:34:21 EDT 2002

Too true.

Actually, it was this frustration that led me to NYPHP. Now at least I know
who and what I'm dealing with.

Thanks! Phorum is working out nicely.


On 5/31/02 12:18 PM, "Oktay Altunergil" <nyphp at> wrote:

> I've had the same problem while looking for a decent Project Managememt / PIM
> application recently. Everything looks good on paper (so to speak), but when
> you actually download and give it a go, they all suck. Unfortunately, this is
> pretty much all you can do, download/install/test.  Your other option is to
> ask people whom you trust, for recommendations. You've done this already.
> Oktay
> On Fri, 31 May 2002 10:47:51 -0400
> Jim Musil <jim at> wrote:
>> I have a problem with hotscripts.
>> Currently there are 125 scripts listed under "Discussion Boards." The system
>> allows for anyone to join and write reviews of their own products (or trash
>> other products). Anyone can post a script from first-time solo developer to
>> experienced team. All the scripts are essentially the same, but there is no
>> way to tell if a product is secure, tested, and stable. Just because some
>> developer says it's version 2.2.3b doesn't mean it wasn't put up last night.
>> I've also found intentional "bombs" and "black holes" in these scripts that
>> do nasty things.
>> Granted, most of the developers are probably ok, but how am I supposed to
>> know who is legit and who spent four hours last night "faking" it?
>> Jim
>> On 5/31/02 10:34 AM, "evan heller" <evan.heller at> wrote:
>>> Honestly, if you want a list with reviews and
>>> useful information, check out:
>>> they seem to have quite a bit of useful php
>>> scripts
>>> that are sorted into categories. Quite a good
>>> collection
>>> of free and commercial ware stuff.
>>> -Evan

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