[nycphp-talk] phpcon-ny

Bryan Richard bryan at
Wed Nov 13 15:38:29 EST 2002

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 14:46, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> Pleasure making your acquaintance.

> > > Bryan Richard wrote:
> > > 
> > > >/begin plug
> > > >
> > > >And, as PHPCon will be in New York in the Spring, if anyone has
> > > >any questions on the conference, I would be more than happy to
> > > >answer them.
> > > >I know I certainly have a few for this group. ;-)
> By all means; that's what we do  :)


Perhaps we can block out some general questions to hash out on the list
and provide a topic for discussion in future NYPHP meetings.

Tracks. Currently we are blocking out three tracks with the option for a
fourth if the need arises. Current proposals for tracks are:

- Enterprise
- Application Development
- Education (PHP in an academic setting)
- Web Services

Additional suggestions? Comments on those listed?

General Theme. What are the problems that you are looking to solve? What
are you looking to take away from the conference? Why will you be
attending PHPCon East 2003? 

Sessions and Speakers. Are there specific sessions or speakers you would
like to see at PHPCon East 2003? Judging from what you have seen of the
sessions from PHPCon (, where do
we need to improve?

Keynotes. Rasmus has penciled us into calendar and will likely be
delivering one of the keynotes. I have some ideas for a second but I
would like to hear suggestions. 

Tutorials. We did not provide hands-on tutorials for the first PHPCon
but feel it is a necessary addition. What topics are would you be
interested in seeing offered? Are you more interested in 3 or 6 hour
tutorials? What are your requirements for attending (material to take
away, PC provided vs. bring your own laptop, &c.)?

I would like to encourage everyone on this list to participate either in
the discussion, at the actual conference, or as a media sponsor (banner
exchange, email promotion, &c.). We had wonderful support from the Bay
Area with the first PHPCon and I suspect, by what I've already seen on
both on and off the list, that the local NY PHP community will be just
as active. 

We will be making an open call for papers if anyone is interested in
participating as a speaker. 

And, as before, we will be accepting Birds-of-a-Feather (BoFs) and
Works-in-Progress (WiPs) up to the day of the event.

I realize there are quite a few questions above, and I don't expect
answers on everything, but any feedback I can take in will make for a
better conference experience.

I think we set a good tone with the first PHPCon and generated some
positive press for PHP and its community. Our goal is to make this a
very important event for PHP developers and I think we heading in that
direction. Thanks to everyone for their help.

Program Chair, PHPCon East 2003
bryan at

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