[nycphp-talk] LinkPoint PHP Wrappers & CC processing -- Any Comments?

adam adam at
Fri Oct 4 13:34:42 EDT 2002

I've used both.
Card Services and Link point suck.  Their CS is super poor.  In fact, my
company hasn't used them in 2 years, and we still pay them $ every month
because you can only cancel during certain time frame windows, and they
make it very difficult.  They follow a NETSOL or AOL type CS philosophy.

Verisign works quite nicely with PHP.

My favorite, and cheapest if you do lots of transactions is MCVE

You need to purchase the daemon, but then you talk directly to the bank
cutting out the middleman.  Software is around 1000 perpetual license.
Support for one year.

There is a PHP module to compile in (--with-mcve) and it works quite

-----Original Message-----
From: Wellington Fan [mailto:beef at] 
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 1:00 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] LinkPoint PHP Wrappers & CC processing -- Any

Hello All,

Has anyone used the LinkPoint PHP Wrappers? What do you think?

How about:
Verisign's Commerce Site Pro (Includes Site Cert for SSL)
iTransact's RediCharge
iBill's Processing Plus Gateway

I'm building an online store w/ CC processing, and need a lot of control
over the transcation so I can update the inventory db, etc. For my part,
want as little development hassle as possible -- of course, I have to
balance that against my client wanting to pay as little as possible.

Something that makes a feature/$ comparison even more difficult is the
difference in the pricing structure for these services:
Verisign - $1395/year
iTransact - $295/setup + $300/year (+ Thawte Site Cert for $150/year)
iBill - $0.25/Transaction (~$900/year?) (+ Thawte Site Cert for

I'd guesstimate about 300 transactions/month, which would make iBill

Anyway, any thoughts about any of these services in terms of ease of
development would be appreciated. Please post to the list.


Wellington Fan

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