Seeking recommendations for resources on LAMP best practices

DeWitt, Michael mjdewitt at
Tue Oct 15 11:21:13 EDT 2002


	I have been lurking on the list for a while and really enjoy the
discussion.  I have been running LAMP based websites for a couple of years,
but feel its time to address some high level issues with the maintenance of
LAMP based systems.

	I have looked over and read a few books on Apache and PHP and they
really don't cover what you do after you get things running.  Some of the
issues I have run into and am looking for direction on are:

	1. What is the best way to maintain all of the server software

	I bet most admin's servers like mine are much more complicated than
merely apache/mysql/php.  SSL, other database connectivity like ODBC and
TDS, encryption libraries, log readers, site indexers, link checkers,
frontpage, and so on are needed to make a site really functional.

	Some of these components have dependencies which raises issues in
getting the whole shebang working when you change one component.  So, what
is to be done to maintain the server from one generation of daemons and
programs to another? From here, other issues arise as to the best way to
move from one production server to another as in the case of an OS   or
hardware upgrade. 

	2. what is the best way to setup and maintain apache logs? What is
the best log reader?

	If you want to have automated log rotation that dovetails with both
static log readers like webalayzer or dynamic (you can do ad-hoc queries)
like analog.  Or perhaps a better log reader would streamline everything?

	3. what is the best way to setup and maintain a backup "hot"
apache/mysql server? 

	Can this be practically done with standard linux installs and the
capabilites of the OS and server daemons?

	There are many operational and maintenance questions like these
which I am finding a hard time getting answers to.  

	I am not really expecting anyone to answer these questions in
detail.  I know that someone somewhere has figured out this stuff and I
would love to know what that is. Just point me in the right direction. 

	Perhaps some book or online resource is available that addresses
these kinds of questions?  If so, please let me know what it is. I have
looked around on the web and Barnes and Noble, but have turned up little as
my patience and ability are limited.  I know its out there, somewhere.
Isn't everything?

	Thanks in advance for your time and for providing this valuable


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