[nycphp-talk] Can I ask a DHTML question

Jim Hendricks jim at
Tue Oct 22 18:58:58 EDT 2002

I have lots of places where I need this functionality, but I perform it at
server via whatever my server technology is.  When the "ADD" button is
detected on the server, it recreates the page with the form data, with 1
extra line of data entry.  This allows for an unlimited number of lines and
eliminates the cross browser issues.  Since I know this page will be
reloading multiple times, I attempt all the page performance helps I can
add like use of a seperate CSS and hand optimized HTML.


----- Original Message -----
From: <bruce at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Can I ask a DHTML question

> My experience with javascript is when you click a button to execute a
> javascript function to output HTML it will refresh the page.
> You could try creating the page with multiple textboxes with only the
> first one visible and if they want to add more then add it by making the
> next one visible; this would also include the text as well.  Not sure if
> text can be switched between visible and not visible (visible = true /
> false), probably though would use the text color as long as the background
> was a single color.
> Of course the drawback with this method is that you would have to have a
> finite set of textboxes . . .  but you could always add another button
> that would allow the user to enter "more".
> Hope this helps.  I'm just trying to give a quick answer based on what I
> can remember.
> - Bruce
> >
> > I got an interface project, but I never be an interface programmer, I
> > think a lot of people out there could know this or could give me some
> > hints, here is my problem: I have one text field and a button,  if user
> > want to ask for another text field, user just simply click on the
> > button, then another text field will be generate right after the
> > previous text filed,  user can generate unlimited fields, this function
> > should work for both IE5.0+ and Netcape4.0+. like this:
> >                                          -------------------------
> >
> > ----------------------------------------
> >  Enter your account    :       |                         |
> > |click if you have more accts|
> >                                          --------------------------
> >
> > -----------------------------------------
> > when user click on "click if you have more accounts", another text filed
> > will be generate right on the next line.  I know it will use Javascript,
> > also some knowledge about windows DOM structure, I didn't find some
> > similar website, could you give me some hints? or give me a website
> > using this kind of text fileds. sorry it is not a PHP question.
> > Thank you for your help!
> > Mark
> >
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Mark Jia
> >
> >
> >
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