[nycphp-talk] Paging through large result sets

(kris)janis p gale sharpwit at
Mon Sep 2 22:27:02 EDT 2002

> I wonder why not take the hidden field idea a step further and just put
> the result set IDs directly into it & let the page take care of itself? 

if i'm following correctly...  you're suggesting that instead of
propagating the result set id list to a GET/url variable or in a
cookie or in a temporary database row...  that you do a silent
POST with the id's in a hidden field...

this presents the problem of having to create a form on each
of the result pages...  so, say, the page-turning links couldn't
just be variations on the result url, they'd have to be javascript
links that would POST the form containing the hidden field...
essentially turning every page-turn into a simulated form POST,
not a simpler click on an actual href...  thus, removing the
possibility of the user being able to bookmark the search result.

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