[nycphp-talk] Hi !

nyphp at nyphp at
Tue Apr 1 18:50:09 EST 2003

this is what i was referring to.  i was not "blaming" NYPHP as one
reactionary poster cried.  i was interested only because i am very careful
what addresses i give out and to whom.  i do you spam filters, but i
accept all mail to nyphp at jimbishop because it's ... from the list.

oh well.

> At 11:26 PM 3/31/2003 -0500, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> >Again, negative.  The archives are only accesible after registering and
> >logging in - something others have mentioned as being a pain, but at the same
> >time, this is the first ever spam issue that's been reported.
> I ran into this problem on a couple of my lists.  The culprit turned out to 
> be unauthorized, third-party web archives.  Bots were subscribed which fed 
> my lists to their archives, operated by sharks scavenging the net for 
> content to wrap their advertising around.
> Googling on "nyphp" reveals one site (alicebot) which has mirrored at least 
> some NYPHP posts.  One of the bigger ones I found archiving my TBL list 
> apparently blocked search engine 'bots so it didn't show up on the search 
> engines at all.  A subscriber told me about it.  Of course, robots.txt is 
> only advisory and useless against address mining robots.  They had five 
> years of my digests published on their site.

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