[nycphp-talk] RTML -- thanks

LY heli_travel at
Thu Apr 10 22:08:00 EDT 2003

thank you so much Carlos! your name is inside now! Sorry about
the inside out! Looks like I have a long lonely way to go ...

Thanks Again!


--- Carlos A Hoyos <cahoyos at> wrote:
> since it has my name on the subject, I might as well answer it
> ;)
> I haven't had much exposure to RTML, but as tech lead on a
> store migration
> from Yahoo, I played around with this code.
> I know RTML was developed by a small group of folks who didn't
> quite
> document it... my impression is that it's a holdover from the
> 'good old
> days' and that they don't know how to get rid of it. (yeahh, I
> know, I'm
> also thinking they should replace it with php).
> Resources: I remember downloading an ebook ("RTML for Yahoo!
> Store") which
> was useless, think I lost the file, but if I find it I'll send
> it to you.
> I am not aware of any compiler or local environment to do
> local
> development.
> I also remember that I felt the same frustration, since being
> not
> documented, an industry of "specialized firms" that make yahoo
> stores, and
> they are not releasing any documentation or knowledge that
> they might have.
> It's still hard to believe why yahoo decided on a proprietary
> language,
> instead of some open standard... well, maybe they learned the
> lesson and
> that's why they are going for php now...
> Carlos
>                       LY                                      
>                       <heli_travel at yaho        To:       NYPHP
> Talk <talk at>                                         
>             >                   cc:            
>                                                Subject:  RE:
> [nycphp-talk] RTML -- Carlos A Hoyos                           
>                       04/10/2003 04:04                        
>                       PM                                      
>                       Please respond to                       
>                       talk                                    
> Yes, you are right. but have to know it if I want the store be
> more like a website. Did you try to build a template? Is there
> a
> way I can edit it in local machine? what is the file 's
> extension? Can I just use IE or netscape to run it?
> thanks for your help!
> LY
> --- Carlos A Hoyos <cahoyos at> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > You might be speaking about the "yahoo store" proprietary
> > language.
> > They claim it's a "real programming language", but the only
> > time I had to
> > deal with it I found it quite hard to work with...
> >
> > Language overview:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Carlos
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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