[nycphp-talk] MySQL & 2.5 million rows!

Brian Pang bpang at
Fri Apr 11 10:29:43 EDT 2003

phpMyAdmin has a nice tool to do it for you.

But this is all that it's really doing.

INSERT INTO dbTwo.tableName SELECT * FROM dbOne.tableName

> You read the subject line correctly!!! I'm loading 2.5 million rows
from an ASCII file into a MySQL database.'s a little
background on what I've done and then a question. (Please keep in mind
I'm a Php/MySQL newbie...though I'm learnin' fast!!)
> I created three tables - data_new, data_old, data_live. The Ascii file
gets read, line by line, and inserted into data_new. When it's completed
and there are no glitches (i.e., no problem with the Ascii file), I want
to move the data from data_live to data_old and then move the new data
from data_new to data_live. So...the there a fast way to
move the data from one MySQL table to another (from data_new to
data_live) other than walking through data_new row by row...creating an
Insert statement on the fly...and then inserting the row into data_live?
> BTW, in case you are wondering why there are three different tables, I
felt that this was a better way  than my client's present system which
simply wipes out the live data and then reads in the Ascii file. If
there is a glitch then they have to empty the table and reload the
Ascii. Doing it this way, if they need to go back to the old data, I
would move it data from data_old to data_live.
> Jeff
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