[nycphp-talk] Seeking Basic PHP IM/Threaded Msg Bd Suggestion

Hans Zaunere hans at
Mon Aug 4 11:27:13 EDT 2003

Hey Peter,

I'm just throwing a couple things out here...

> 1) ability to have online IM/chat-style meetings

Hmm, in AMP?  Jabber, or even AIM itself, might be the way to go, especially if it needs to be realtime.  Otherwise, perhaps a PHP forum of sorts, but I don't know of a realtime chat system in PHP.  Although, you mention Flash, so maybe an AMP backed system with a Flash frontend does exist... would be cool.

> 2) ability to create/post a topic and have associates make suggestions and
> updates

Some flavor of wiki I suppose, although I'm not a big fan either.


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