[nycphp-talk] PHP and PayPal

Nestor Florez nestorflorez at
Tue Aug 5 14:49:37 EDT 2003

paypal provides some php or perl code that you can add to your site.

I was working on something simmilar at one point and I was pull away from the project (I do not remember much now!).  We would keep track of the user that came into our site before we send them to paypal.  We add the user to the DB and put up a flag about the user.  When paypal send us information on payment we would autmatically remnove the flag from the db as he had paid.  

It gets tricky because once the user is sent to paypal, paypal just returns a couple of field info.  YOu got to look at the php paypal code.  A couple of the fields that paypal returned to us we used to identiy the client in our DB

Good luck,

Nestor :-)
-------Original Message-------
From: Chris Snyder <csnyder at>
Sent: 08/05/03 10:47 AM
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP and PayPal

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