[nycphp-talk] Hypothetical caching question

Winston Churchill-Joell winston at
Tue Aug 5 17:53:35 EDT 2003

Well, if anyone else is interested in the answer to this question, this 
is what I've found so far:

I haven't poked around in all of the inc files that they also link to, 
but this does reveal that the authors go to some trouble to make sure 
the "real" modified date is showing up.

Thought this was interesting enough to share with the group.


On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 03:00  PM, Analysis & Solutions wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 02:40:01PM -0400, Winston Churchill-Joell 
> wrote:
>> So, does PHP modify the HTTP headers to reflect the "last modified"
>> dates of any files included, or am I reaching here?
> Why don't you tell us.  Most browsers have a feature that lets you 
> examine
> the present page's information.  In that list of info is the last 
> modified
> field.  So, whip up some tests and tell us what you find.
> --Dan
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