[nycphp-talk] [Fwd: Invitation to participate in Apache J2EE efforts]

Hans Zaunere hans at
Tue Aug 5 17:31:47 EDT 2003

Jon Baer wrote:

> this is probably one of the bigger reasons for my switch to php, the fact
> that there is no rather expensive certification procedure for any apps u do
> build, much of the dictation on items u wanted to build into an enterprise
> app had to wait for finalization from sun (a rather long time for some apis)
> and then go through the j2ee process.

You bring up a good point Jon.  While the approval process can be tedious, especially for the developers and tech folk, it fares well with the "higher ups."  Just like the Intel Inside, Windows logos, and now the RedHat logo, they love to see some branding - something that says "we certify this will work, and if it doesn't, it may cost you more money but we'll fix it".

Maybe we should startup the NYPHP p2ee approval process :)


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